
Hey Pythonista,

Happy new week! How is the year going?

We've been inspired to focus on what we can control and make 2024 great!

With that said, here are the 5 bullets for this week:

1) What excites you the most about software development?💡

And we received some interesting responses:

> Solving issues in everyday life for people that needed a tool to do their jobs easier and more efficiently.

> A big part of it is that I just enjoy puzzles. ... I get a big thrill out of problem solving. When there doesn't exist a good way of getting something done, and I have to figure out a way to do it, that's just great fun

> Most exciting for me is probably learning how something works (or why itโ€™s not working). Itโ€™s even better when done as part of a pair/team, but still plenty fun solo.

> For me it is really exciting to build things in order to understand how they work.

What is the most appealing thing about programming to you?

Reply to this email or, better yet, in the aforementioned community thread!

2) Python changes per version 🐍 😍

Python Bytes (Brian Okken) shared this insightful article.

> This post is designed to be a quick reference for the major changes introduced with each new version of Python. This can help with taking advantages of using new features as you upgrade your code base, or ensuring that you have the correct guards for compatibility with older versions.

There is a lot of good stuff in this article! Take a squiz (Julian, stop making my English Australian lol!) and let us know what feature you think you should be using more or something you did not even know about?

Maybe it leads to some good follow up content💡

3) Python levels, AI and programming (and mindset) tips 🔥

I (Bob) was a guest on the vBrownBag podcast with Chris and Shala.

We spoke about what developers should be learning when they are at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. We also get into how to use AI to become a better programmer at all levels.

And this week we'll have two exciting guests on our podcast: Steve Lott and Marcelo Trylesinski. Make sure you're subscribed to the podcast to be notified when the episodes go live.

4) Getting out there

In the words of Bill Gates, "We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." 😍

Similarly, Eric S. Raymond, in The Cathedral and the Bazaar, advises to "Release early, release often. And listen to your customers." 💡

Reflecting on our community's achievements and our own, it's clear that a significant factor in success is the courage to put your work out there. 🔥

So, this week, we encourage you to do just that and proactively seek feedback.

This can be achieved through various avenues:

  • Engage in code reviews.

  • Start (or resume) a blog to share your learning and projects.

  • Contribute to open source projects.

  • Launch your first app.

  • Invite commentary on your ideas and prototypes.

We wholeheartedly embrace Carol Dweck's growth mindset, which urges us to actively seek feedback as it represents a chance for growth and learning.

It emphasizes the journey of improvement and the belief that skills and abilities can be honed with effort and persistence.

Keep putting yourself out there; it will bring great things!

5) From the archives: Make Each Line Count

A challenge in software development is to keep things simple 🤯

Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
- Zen of Python

Simplicity in your code means fewer possibilities for bugs to hide and easier debugging when they do arise, making your code more understandable and maintainable. 💡

In our Make Each Line Count article we show some examples of solving problems in the most straightforward manner using Python 🐍

And by the way, to keep up with new Python articles, here is an article we wrote last week with a script to parse Planet Python and send a daily email with new entries.

Maybe you find it useful and run it yourself!


Go crush it this week! 🔥

Bob & Julian

P.S. We're really happy with our move from Slack to Circle. 📈

It started off a bit slow but people are sharing so many cool things and we love seeing how everybody supports each other and shares valuable insights. 💡

Remember, one way of combating imposter syndrome is to look for a supportive network🐍, and we have an inclusive space that people love to keep coming back to and connect. 😍

Join here and when you do, please introduce yourself. 👋 See you there!

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