
Hey Pythonista,

Happy Friday!

Today, I want to emphasize the transformative power feedback has on your Python/developer skills and career success.

Recalling our last email, we shared Bill Gates' insight: "We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." This principle was vividly illustrated in a recent success story shared with us.

A community member developed a web application and bravely sought user feedback. This step uncovered bugs that testing had missed. While receiving feedback might initially feel disheartening, it actually propels you down a fast track to improvement. You identify blind spots and gain direct insights on how to address them, which is invaluable.

My own experience echoes this. After years of solitary coding, joining a group of senior developers and receiving thorough code reviews illuminated my blind spots, accelerating my growth exponentially.

The journey to mastery involves embracing vulnerability and a growth mindset. The fear of sharing one's work is common, but as Will McGugan highlighted on our podcast, sharing your work (when permissible) brings immense benefits.

We applaud our community member for her courage and the valuable learning she gained.

To facilitate this growth journey for you, we invite you to:

  • Send us some of your code for review. Just hit reply to this email.
  • Share a project or idea in our community.
  • Post your work on LinkedIn, tagging myself (Bob) and Julian.
  • Join our coaching program for daily expert feedback. Our program transforms not just Python skills but careers and lives through increased earnings, freedom, and fulfillment.

We're eager to support your development. Beyond technical skills, adopting the mindset of proactive engagement is crucial, yet often challenging. Our goal is to help you overcome tutorial paralysis and turn imposter syndrome into a catalyst for career growth.

Take action now - you have what it takes!

Best regards,
Bob & Julian

P.S. Don't just close this email. To get to your next level, you must TAKE ACTION and venture (even slightly) outside your comfort zone. We'll help you get there:

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